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Beijing Kingst Commercial & Trade Co., Ltd.

ETCO2 in Anesthesia

Nowadays, anesthetic gas is widely used in medical surgery. The safety and accuracy of anesthesia are directly related to patients’ disease treatment and restoration process. During the surgery, most patients are given general anesthesia in order to ensure that they are unconscious and painless. However, respiratory depression and apnea due to inadequate ventilation are also common. Therefore, in clinical practice, anesthesiologists usually observe the respiratory status of patients to determine whether there is the presence of adverse respiratory events, such as hypoventilation, CO2 retention, and airway obstruction. Thus,ensuring that the patient has adequate ventilation and oxygen to avoid accidents such as hypoxia and asphyxia. The PETCO2 monitoring is particularly important because other signs in patients with early hypoventilation usually don’t change. PETCO2 is one of the six essential vital signs which reflects not only lung ventilation, but also roughly lung blood flow and circulation. In the absence of any major heart and lung disease, PETCO2 correlates well with PaCO2. PETCO2 can accurately timely monitor changes of PaCO2.

Monitoring of PETCO2 in clinical anesthesia can reflect the pulmonary blood flow and ventilation status to some certain extent, and the monitoring of adverse events prevents anesthesia-related complications.

There are many indicators of respiratory function. PaCO2 is the most standard way to assess dysfunction of ventilation. But it is invasive, so it can only be measured intermittently. Meanwhile, PETCO2 monitoring is convenient, continuous and non-invasive. The number and waveform are the important indicators reflecting the metabolic function, ventilatory function and circulatory status of the body. It can directly reflect the patient's ventilation status and be used to judge the acid-base imbalance. Therefore, PETCO2 is a commonly used method for monitoring the respiratory function. Kingst capnography monitor for sale can meet your needs.

What is the principle of PETCO2 monitoring? The Organs tissues synthesize large amounts of CO2 by metabolism. The CO2 is transported to the lung by capillaries and venae around the tissues and excreted during respiration. The difference between the total carbon dioxide (VCO2) produced in the body and the pulmonary ventilation volume (VA) plays a decisive role in the alveolar partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PACO2). However, CO2 is easily dispersed in body tissues, and it can quickly permeate into the alveoli through the pulmonary capillaries. This results in the equivalent state of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in alveoli (PACO2) and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide of pulmonary artery (PaCO2). Therefore, the measurement of the alveolar partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PACO2), namely PETCO2, can define the arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2). However, if there are pathological conditions, pulmonary ventilation capacity and pulmonary blood flow and shunt will change. PETCO2 is no longer equivalent to the arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2). Different abnormal waveforms will appear on the PETCO2 monitor.

As a non-invasive examination method, PETCO2 has advantages of simplicity and convenience in clinical anesthesia. PETCO2 monitoring method has been widely used in the monitoring of ventilation function, and it has attracted more and more attention in the medical industry in recent years. Here, we recommend Kingst capnography portable to you.

According to the type of monitoring instrument, PETCO2 monitoring is mainly divided into mainstream measurement and side stream measurement. Both of them can intuitively reflect the alveolar ventilation data and is positively correlated with PaCO2. The monitoring methods of PETCO2 include the infrared method, colorimetric method and mass spectrometry. The infrared method is the most widely used. The application of PETCO2 monitoring in anesthesia is mainly used to evaluate the ventilation status, correct tracheal intubation, pathological status, etc. The results show that PETCO2 is lower than PaCO2. But there is also a strong association between them under normal circumstances. PETCO2 provides a intuitively understanding of the positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) value, completes the rapid adjustment of respiratory parameters, and ensures the rationality of the choice of ventilation mode.

PETCO2 monitoring is very practical, simply, non-invasive and efficient. It can not only reflect the ventilation function of patients more directly, but also better reflect the circulation metabolism when combined with other routine monitoring. And it can provide anesthesiologists with a timely warning effect during or after the surgery.