
Beijing Kingst Commercial & Trade Co., Ltd.
Beijing Kingst Commercial & Trade Co., Ltd.

Anesure Multigas Solutions

Cooperating with healthcare institutions and hospitals as well as multi-parameter monitor companies to provide complete Anesure Gas Solutions.

Product Overview

AneSure Mini
AneSure Mini

The AneSure mini mainstream multi-gas analyzer is currently the world's unique and smallest portable multi-gas monitor. With the dedicated adapters, it can be used for newborns, children and adults. AneSure mini mainstream multi-gas monitor designed to measure capnography as well as various anesthetics. It provides clinicians with real-time and continuous capnography and anesthesia multi-gas measurements for a variety of clinical situations . The AneSure mini achieves full design accuracy in seconds, saves time in critical situations, via different adapters, and supports monitoring of neonatal, infant, paediatric and adult patients.


Anesure-H is a powerful multi-gas monitor that can simultaneously monitor parameters such as anesthetic gas, ETCO2, SPO2, etc. Anesthesia gas can be selected from N2O, Halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane one to monitor. Combined with anesthetic gas and capnography, it provides efficient assistance to caregivers.